Rand Paul comes to Arlington

I had breakfast with Senator Rand Paul this morning.

Okay, me and a hundred other people.

One of the frontrunners for the GOP presidential ticket in 2016 addressed a crowd of supporters at the Leadership Institute in Arlington this morning, part of Morton Blackwell’s summer “Wednesday Wake-Up” series. I’ve expressed my reservations about the Leadership Institute before, but they seemed to do it right this morning so no need to mix messages.

Senator Paul arrived clad in his company softball league attire (no joke, the man gave his address in a jersey and baseball cap), proof if it were ever needed that he is not part of the Washington Establishment. Amen.

Likely you’ve heard his talking points before (and The Establishment is one of them), the overarching theme of which is a return to limited, constitutional government that respects the personal freedoms of its citizens. Amen.

On politics, Paul pointed out that there are two ways Republicans can make progress electorally. One is to water down their message and attract more people into the fold that way. This is the way that’s been used unsuccessfully for decades. The other option, which has brought success when used through the years, employs a clear, positive, and optimistic message about limited and constitutional government. Guess which one he supports.

One hates to go through life caring about who wins elections. But there has never been a greater incentive to do so than today. If Rand Paul runs for president in 2016 I’ll be happy. If he wins I’ll be even happier.

But it’ll probably cost me more than 10 bucks to have breakfast with him.

Some remote corners of the world still do it right

This weekend I spent two days in Winchester, Virginia, at its annual Apple Blossom Festival. “The Bloom,” as the locals call it, is no joke, drawing tens of thousands to this otherwise two-bit town for a few days of diversion and merriment.

It’s good to see that in this crass and jaded world in which we now live there are certain glimmers of Americana for us to discover. Winchester is where real Americans live doing real American things in real American small towns. The festival is sort of a family-friendly version of Mardi Gras meets the Kentucky Derby. Sadly, though, I must report that within the last few years the locals did discover one trick the rest of the world learned years ago: that fair food and games should be as overpriced as they are in airports and wartime. (Joke was on them, though, as nice weather is still free.)

Kudos, Winchester, for another fine Bloom. See ya next year!

Basketball anyone?

Meanwhile, those who actually care about the game on the court rather than in courts were treated to three great games last night, in which three teams facing elimination won three Game Sixes to force three undoubtedly good Game Sevens.

Basketball 1, Politics 0.

Sterling no more

There are two things of which one can be sure in the year 2014: 1.) assume you’re being recorded and/or videotaped every moment of your life; and 2.) the P.C. police always wins.

Thanks, Commissioner, for making the easiest heroic decision of all time. And will Donald Sterling pull a Paterno and conveniently expire? The NBA can only hope.

In an unrelated story, my adopted hometown is changing its name from Sterling to Metta World Peace, Virginia.

Thanks for bringing it, Mad Men

Here facing my first Monday in forever with no Archer and no HIMYM, I can at least bask in that Monday morning post-Mad Men glow. Last night’s episode was the best of the season thus far. Good to see Betty again, good to see Roger and Bert, good to see Don being Don.

Well, we’ll see. It’ll be good to see.

Fargo just not hitting it

Maybe I expected too much from Fargo.

Yeah, they’ve got me for however many episodes they put out this season, but I’ve decided the show is just not as good as I thought it would be. (No one even died in the last episode!)

Still, though, there’s enough star power and enough possibilities left for me to be pleasantly surprised, and perhaps secretly I plan to be.

Archer season finale does it right

Monday night’s finale to Archer‘s fifth season was a welcome beacon in a sea of so-so television thus far this spring. It gave me pretty much every reason why I watch the show (including some classic speeches) and left us, I think, happily, back to where we were before this season.

Well, with one important difference. But I can relate.

I can relate.

Mad Men stuck in neutral


Okay, okay, it’s been only two episodes, but this season’s episodes of Mad Men have left a bit to be desired. Somehow there are too many side plots, too many characters, and not enough Don Draper being awesome. “Stuck in neutral” is the phrase that comes to mind. Hopefully they’re gearing up for something big.

Fargo hits the small screen

I can’t exactly say, “I’ve been waiting 18 years…,” because I never thought someone would actually make the movie Fargo into a TV series. But that someone has done, and bless them for it.

I don’t know exactly what to expect with Fargo. Just that it involves Billy Bob Thornton and is based on the Coen brothers movie of the same title. That’s good enough for me, and last night’s series premiere did not disappoint.

And thank you, world, for continuing to make entertaining things for me to watch on TV. Seriously.