World Series will be one for the ages

So it is set. The matchup of the century. Quite literally. In this corner, the team that hasn’t won a World Series in 68 years, and in the other corner, the team that hasn’t won it in 108.

Either way you’ve got a great story. Either the Cubs are going to break their century-long curse (making the Indians the new Cubs), or the Indians are going to go from the titleless city to one that will now own two, following LeBron and co.’s win last June.

And might I add a parallel to that other race going on these days? Hillary? Chicago born? Trump? Wins nomination in Cleveland?

Somebody has a sense of humor.

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About moc

My name is Mike O'Connell. I am 42 years old and live in Northern Virginia. I am a teacher, a musician, and an enthusiast of all things American.

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