Eclipse draws near

I’ll admit it, I’ve got eclipse fever.

Unless you’ve been in outer space the past few months (well, no, they’re probably talking about it there too), you know that today is the cosmic event of the century: the day that Americans can stare into space for two minutes without looking silly. (Well, individual results may vary.)

Who’s got official eclipse-watching goggles? Not this guy. The line at our local library yesterday started three hours before the place opened. I’ve got a cereal box with a pinhole and I plan to use it with great aplomb.

The last time I remember any kind of full or partial eclipse was sometime in the mid ’90s when I was in middle school. I remember that they kept us inside during lunchtime, because they feared slack-jawed kids staring up at the sun and burning out their retinas or some such thing. (Never cared about the sun when it was on full display.)

I’ve been ticked off about that one for over 20 years. Time to make up for it today.

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About moc

My name is Mike O'Connell. I am 42 years old and live in Northern Virginia. I am a teacher, a musician, and an enthusiast of all things American.

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