If you watch sports long enough (I’m talking decades here) you’ll see that young’uns eventually become old-timers and heroes invariably become villains.
Both of those phenomena occurred for Shaun White this past week.
An “old man” in the snowboarding world at 31, Shaun White came through with an incredible gold medal-winning performance this past Tuesday to earn his third gold medal in a storied Olympic career going back to 2006 (when he was one of the young’uns).
I used to think White was sort of a punk. But, like A-Rod and LeBron before him, villains in old age have a way of becoming heroes. (See, it works the other way too.) So I got to savor that White victory last Tuesday…
For about 10 minutes.
Google Shaun White’s name and what comes up now?
Sexual harassment charges.
I think the #metoo movement should be relabeled the #youtoo? movement. As in, you too? Are there any men left out there not subject to such charges?
Obviously I fully support prosecution of harassment, sexual or otherwise. This case, though, seems far obvious. And furthermore it seems to have been settled in 2016. But with White back in the spotlight again the issue has become part of the news, marring an otherwise feel-good story.
You know, the one that makes us old guys feel like we can still compete with the young-uns.