Super Bowl will have (at least) one interesting hook

Not too terribly excited about the Bucs-Chiefs Super Bowl to be honest.

One note, though, and you heard it here first.

We still might witness a Tampa Bay double in 2020.

(See here.)

If the home team (that would be the Tampa Bay Bradys) wins on February 7, that would mean the city of Tampa Bay would hold the Stanley Cup and Super Bowl championships simultaneously. To my count this has occurred exactly one time, in 2009, when the Steelers and Penguins brought home the arguably two most famous trophies in sports.

Bounce here and a bounce there for the Rays and it could have been a Tampa triple, no?

Gotta go back to pre-Super Bowl days to find one of those.

Lions, Tigers, and Red Wings, oh my!

That was Detroit in 1935-36.

Just a few years ago.

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About moc

My name is Mike O'Connell. I am 42 years old and live in Northern Virginia. I am a teacher, a musician, and an enthusiast of all things American.

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