And then there were four

Two weeks ago if you had asked me to guess the participating teams in this year’s Final Four I probably would have selected a few #1 seeds, and maybe a 2 or a 3.

Had you replied, No, I have knowledge of the future and those are wrong, but I’ll let you guess again, I would probably make the same mistake a second time.

And a third. And a fourth. And attempts into the double and triple digits.

Somewhere into the quadrillions or quintillions I’d select the right combination of San Diego St., UConn, Miami, and Florida Atlantic. Not exactly the bluebloods of the sport. Remember last year when it was Duke, Carolina, Kansas, and Villanova?

First off, this weekend featured some of the greatest games I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been watching sports, specifically this tournament, for more than 30 years. That I had no preferred outcomes, really, made it that much more interesting just to watch good games.

I’m going to have the same thing this weekend.

About the best I can do, for a tenuous link to any of the teams, is the University of Miami, star of whose basketball team is from my home county and went to both high school and college ’round these parts. Yeah, Jordan Miller, Mr. Perfect from yesterday’s game, went to high school about 20 minutes west of me and college 20 minutes east before transferring to the U two years ago. Seems like it was a good choice.

Speaking of neighbors, should I be rooting for a Miami-FAU final? At the risk of imposing the Math and Musings jinx, I support it!

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About moc

My name is Mike O'Connell. I am 42 years old and live in Northern Virginia. I am a teacher, a musician, and an enthusiast of all things American.

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