Me: Dad, you know they made another Indiana Jones movie?
Dad: Yeah, I know, like 15 years ago.
Me: No, another one, a fifth one.
Dad: Really? With Harrison Ford? That guy’s got to be like 80 years old.
Me: He’s younger than you.
Dad: Oh right. Well, how was it?
Me: Actually it was awesome. People are dying to hate it but it’s actually great. It’s like a combination of all of the earlier movies, with a twist of National Treasure and a twist of Lost.
Dad: I don’t know what either of those things are.
Me: Oh, right. Well, it was pretty great. Seeing it was like I’d died and gone to heav–oh wait, never mind. Well, alert the movies in my current Top 365 because in the next edition of the book… one of ’em’s out!