I take it back. The biggest story from Monday was not World AIDS Day or Ferguson or Colt McCoy but Cyber Monday. Monday, apparently, was something called Cyber Monday, during which we are supposed to make purchases, I guess, somehow, through this thing called the Interweb. Or Internet, or something. I received quite a number of alerts, actually, on my computing machine urging me to do so.
Folks, this is 2014. Is not every day Cyber Monday? Seriously, when was the last time you went to the store to buy something? My greatest purchase this year has undoubtedly been my Amazon Prime membership. In other words, the thing that makes it completely unnecessary to go to the store ever again.
Earlier this week I read that Girl Scout cookies, the last bastion of face-to-face commerce, will now be sold over the Internet. Face it, people, this is the new normal. I, for one, welcome our new Internet overlords!